C r y p t D i s k


Stdio Redirector

2023-04-06 17:16:19 Chip Page 1027 📢 PUBLIC

April 6 2023

All CryptDisk functions can be invoked using text commands, which can be embedded in scripts. But while CryptDisk's script parser does support some runtime customization through macros, it does not support any flow control or the ability to parse the output.

More sophisticated automation is possible using the stdio redirector CryptDisk.com. This will accept text commands from stdin, establish a secure pipe to CryptDisk.exe, execute the commands in CryptDisk.exe, and output the results to stdout. This lets you use your favorite shell (bash, powershell, or good old cmd.exe) to run scripts that contain CryptDisk commands.

NOTE: This trick makes a few assumptions:

Each invocation of CryptDisk.com negotiates and creates a unique session key by generating and sharing key pairs, which takes some time. It is much more efficient to invoke CryptDisk.com to execute multiple commands from a script than executing single commands one at a time.

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