C r y p t D i s k


Upgrading CryptDisk

2023-04-05 18:57:00 Chip Page 1026 📢 PUBLIC

April 5 2023

Upgrading an existing CryptDisk installation:

  1. Note the existing CryptDisk.exe version (Menu Help)
  2. Note the existing installation location. (DRIVER INFO)
  3. Using the existing CryptDisk.exe, unload the driver: Menu Driver > Unload.
  4. Close the CryptDisk.exe program.
  5. IMPORTANT: Archive the existing CryptDisk.exe, CryptDriver2.sys, and CryptDisk_License.txt files just in case there is a problem!
  6. Unzip the new CryptDisk.zip, overwriting the existing files. All files should be placed in the same directory.
  7. If the existing CryptDisk.exe version is prior to 2.19.2869, you will need to generate a new license file. Later versions can continue to use the existing license in CryptDisk_License.txt.
  8. Launch the new CryptDisk.exe.
    NOTE: If you are using a command console, be sure to explicitly run CryptDisk.exe to avoid running CryptDisk.com.

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