C r y p t D i s k


Restricted View

2018-05-04 18:37:24 admin Page 1006 📢 PUBLIC

May 4 2018

CryptDisk can mount a volume in restricted mode, which allows only select processes (programs) to access the disk. Only CryptDisk.exe and any programs launched by CryptDisk (using the RUN PROCESS command) will be able to access data on the volume. This access is inherited, so I can launch a command console (RUN PROCESS cmd.exe) and any program I run from that console will also be able to access the disk.

Restricted access works by monitoring the creation of system processes, and works best with programs that don't get too fancy with background services and other tricks. Restricted access is not guaranteed to work with all programs -- Microsoft Excel runs fine as a restricted process, but Outlook does not.

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